So, how much did they pay for these stock photos?
Be aware that popular photos on websites selling stock images might be popular enough to give away their source. Other tip-offs include architecture not common to your area, signage, or even the type of clothing worn by the model. If you look closely, you might even notice that often particular poses are favored by stock photographers.
While well-chosen images might fit the budget, Engine Communication recommends that you include at least some original photography on your website and social media pages. Visitors to your page would like to see what you look like, where you work, what you do, and what you sell or offer. This is your chance to show how you and your brand are unique. At the very least, including your own photos will earn your organization some credibility.
You might not have the time or the budget to commission a new photo whenever the need arises, so it is a good idea to build your own stock of original images related to your industry and organization. While Engine Communication prefers to offer perpetual licenses whenever feasible, not all photographers are willing to grant licenses to use the images indefinitely or in whatever way you please; offering to buy the full rights to an image might be worth it in certain situations.
So, what is your reaction to recognizing a stock photo? What usually tips you off? How often do you rely on stock photos? What are some benefits that you have seen from using your own photos?